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Below are links to a few of my articles in pdf and html format, on subjects ranging from the drought in the southwest to a profile of a physicist who believes time does not exist.  Waves of Destruction, one of my older stories, saved some lives in Sri Lanka when a tsunami hit the island in 2004.

Voyagers to the Stars, Scientific American, July 2022 (cover story)

The War Over Reality, Discover, May 2017 (paywalled)

Why Did Greenland's Vikings Vanish? Smithsonian March 2017 

Mass Hysteria, Scientific American February 2017 (paywalled)

 The Quantum Hack, Scientific American February 2016

 How Melting Ice Changes One Country's Way of Life, National Geographic, October 2015

 Beyond the God Particle, Discover, October 2015

 A Brief History of Time Travel, Scientific American September 2015

 Why Discovering Martians Could be Disappointing, Nautilus, June 2015

 The Next Green Revolution, National Geographic, October 2014

 Journeys to the Center of the Earth, Discover, July/August 2014

Rising Seas, National Geographic, Cover story, September 2013

Crazy Far, National Geographic, Cover story, January 2013

Sea of Wonders OnEarth Magazine, Summer 2012

The Calm Before the Wave, National Geographic , February 2012
(This article won the American Geophysical Union's 2013 Walter Sullivan Award for Science Feature Writing)

Waiting For the Higgs Scientific American, October 2011

The Secret Ingredients of Everything National Geographic, June 2011

Contact: The Day After  Scientific American, January 2011

Viking Weather, National Geographic, Cover story, June 2010

The Data Trail, OnEarth, Summer 2010

Stephen Hawking profile, Discover, July/August 2009

Is Quantum Mechanics Tried, True, Wildly Successful, and Wrong? Science, June 19, 2009

Requiem For A RiverOnEarth, Spring 2008

If An Electron Can Be in Two Places At Once, Why Can't You?   Discover, June 2005
(This article won the 2007 American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award)

Quantum Schmantum  Discover, September 2001

Blueprint for Disaster?   OnEarth, Summer 2005

Einstein's Grand Quest For A Unified Theory  Discover, September 2004

A Thirsty Nation  On Earth, Fall 2004

Warped Passages: The Secret Universe  The New York Times, October 23, 2005

Nailing Down Gravity  Discover, October 2003

Does the Universe Exist If We're Not Looking? Discover, June 2002

From Here to Eternity  Discover, December, 2000

Rebuilding the Genius Machines  Popular Science, May 2002

Waves of Destruction  Discover, May 1994